What containers to choose (pots).

What containers to choose (pots).

When it comes to bonsai, it is not just the plant and its styling that makes the bonsai appealing to the viewer. The choice of the containe...
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Using Ornamental Rocks in Bonsai.

Using Ornamental Rocks in Bonsai.

If you want to increase the impact of your bonsai, introducing one or more rocks is a good idea. Solid, elemental-looking rocks can give the...
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Ground Covers for Bonsai.

Ground Covers for Bonsai.

There are many ground covers that can be used as an alternative to just plain moss. For one, they are a lot more hardy and tolerant of cha...
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The Bald Cypress, despite it's very slow growth, is a very popular bonsai tree

The Bald Cypress, despite it's very slow growth, is a very popular bonsai tree

The Bald Cypress, despite it's very slow growth, is a very popular bonsai tree, grown for its light, feathery foliage and orange-brown f...
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There are functions for everything in bonsai, and mosses and lichens, used as ground covers, are no exception.

There are functions for everything in bonsai, and mosses and lichens, used as ground covers, are no exception.

There are functions for everything in bonsai, and mosses and lichens, used as ground covers, are no exception. They, of course, look great, ...
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The blog’s top ten most popular posts April 2013.

The blog’s top ten most popular posts April 2013.

1.- Ficus Bonsai Care. If you have decided to try your hand at growing a bonsai tree, you are in for a real treat. While it takes a litt...
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