Buxus is an ornamental shrub with wide evergreen ramification, appreciated above all for its beautiful bark.

Native to the Far East, this ornamental shrub with wide evergreen branches is especially appreciated for its beautiful bark, whose color and pattern give the plant an interesting feeling of age. 

Boxwood, which is called "Golden yellow" for the striking golden color of its leaves in winter, is also much loved for its delicately scented flowers, which, however, should not be left for long.

Buxus is an ornamental shrub with wide evergreen ramification.

Best suited for upright informal and woodland style shaping.


When placed indoors, it should be placed very close to a window, but possibly away from heat sources. From May to September, the ideal is to expose it outside in half-shade.


During the summer water abundantly, in winter control watering taking into account the characteristics of the environment. 

If running water is used, it is advisable to use Bonsan Decalcifier to neutralize harmful salts.


It should be done preferably in April-May. The ideal compound is 60%akadama+30% ready soil+10%pozzolana


You can prune the branches to 5 or 6 leaves until the end of August. Light summer pruning is done after flowering.


It is important to pinch off new shoots in August, September and October.


This can be done throughout the year, as long as you only leave the wire for short periods. 

To avoid cutting the bark, the wire should be carefully covered with adhesive paper for florists, also should be checked frequently to ensure that it does not tighten too much branches and / or trunk.


At the vegetative resumption (March-April) fertilize every 8-10 days combining Bonsan Stimulating Fertilizer with Bonsan Organic Liquid Fertilizer. 

From April to September, fertilize every 8-10 days with Bonsan Organic Liquid Fertilizer or every 15-20 days with Bonsan Organic Solid Fertilizer Aburukasu, avoiding the months of July and August. From September to February, use Bonsan Organic Liquid Fertilizer every 15-20 days. 

To stimulate rooting, use Bonsan Fluid Organic Mineral Fertilizer with B vitamins instead of Bonsan Organic Liquid Fertilizer.


It is prone to aphid and red spider mite attacks.

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2 commenti :

  1. The buxus bonsai is one of the longest-lived, since it manages to live up to 500 years. It can grow to more than six meters in height in its natural state.

    1. Thank you for contributing with your comments. Due to its slow growth, the Boxus bonsai remains long on a shrub scale.
